- Kissing is really, really very nice indeed.
- Being a geek is a perfectly acceptable lifestyle choice.
- Classical music is accessable to all if they give it a chance.
- Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should.
- Learn stuff. Learn everything. A day in which you don't learn something new is not a good day.
- Only boring people get bored.
- Take time to think.
- The thought process is not complete without articulation.
- Balloon animals are a great audience-participation ice breaker.
- Everybody loves home-made stuff; even if the shop-bought stuff is prettier, home-made is almost always tastier.
- Take photos.
- Read. Everything and often.
- Breakfast cereal often contains too much sugar.
- Experiment with cooking. If you think something might work, try it.
- Many people are muppets, but that's ok.
- Regardless of how muppety people are, treat everybody with the same level of respect as you'd like them to treat you.
- Say yes more often.
- Say no when it's appropriate. Don't use it as an excuse.
- Listen to people, even if they don't listen to you.
- Just because they may disagree with you doesn't make them wrong.
- Being vaguely optimistic all the time is easier than being a pessimist.
- But, being a grumpy curmudgeon can be funny. Especially over beer.
- If someone is proposing a course of action that will hurt anybody, speak out.
- Similarly, always try to think through the ramifications of what you're up to.
And I had a lovely day, thank you :)